Sunday, February 9, 2014

Android Flashaholics, A Google+ Community

         Android Flashaholics is a Google+ Community where Android users can come together to talk about Android! This community was made for users to talk about ROM setups, scripts, mods, recoveries, tips, and anything else! You can post your ROM and kernel setup for your device and speak about it, offer tips and work arounds for *features* in anything relating to Android. Speak about scripts that you maybe working on or speak about ROMs that you maybe using/making for a new ROM. Talk about stories and things that have happened to prevent bricking your device. Talk about how many times you have bricked your device and offer tips to on how to prevent a brick for other users. Please keep this community alive and keep it friendly. I will need users who will serve as "moderaters" to keep the community safe.

Lastly, happy posting to the Androd Flashaholics community.