I get asked this question a lot "Myles, should I uninstall my apps to keep my Android device running fast". The answer is yes if you don't want to investigate further, and no if you want it. But what about applications that I didn't install that slow down my device? If you can't disable it, Hibernate it with Greenify. So it is not the application its self that slows down your device (Unless you are using F2FS), so what is it? It is the service the application has! These services are used by the application to provide some sort of service to it. Either that be a notification or other thing the app does. Unlike applications, services can be very hard to disable and sometimes the application won't run without them. To find out which applications on your device use services, go to settings, applications (or application manager), go to running and you will see which applications use a service. Now that you have found out which applications use services, now let's disable them.
Download the free application "Greenify" and purchase the donation package (OPTIONAL)
While I am assuming you are not rooted, you will be running greenify is non root mode. So select the applications that Greenify prompts you to select with running services. Then, go to the menu button and create the widget for fast hibernation. There you go! A quick and easy way to save your Android device and its applications. One major note of this is that when an application is in hibernation, you will not receive notifications from that application. For example, if I hibernate KIK, I will not receive message until I manually open KIK.
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